Kirill Pats
Chief Electronic Engineer Power Moss.
Inventor of the Neuronal LED.
Some minds are simply made to change the rules of the game.
Working on the programming of remote-controlled missiles for the Belarusian army requires a level of engineering well above average. This was the occupation of Kirill Pats until he decided to abandon everything and radically change his activity. Instead of contributing to the design of weapons of mass destruction, he decided to put his knowledge and genius at the service of something much less destructive. LED technology. He moved to Shenzhen City and joined Power Mos company. Kirill dedicated years of effort to the development and design of what is now Neuronal LED technology. He joined Danilo Grande and Benny Lai in 2016 to develop together the first prototype Dragon Volumetric LED Display. Since then Kirill has been responsible for the evolution of this technology and its adaptation to industrial processes that today allow the construction of Dragon O.
Although adaptation to volumetric displays is one of its applications, so brilliant and promising, the neural LED technology invented by Kirill marks a before and after in the world of LED technology and opens the door to an infinite number of applications.